Sunday, February 14, 2010

Utf-8&rlz What Is The Best Way To Paint My Wall?

What is the best way to paint my wall? - utf-8&rlz

I have a 9 foot 6 inches wide by 8 feet of the wall. I want to paint How are you to see the photos (see link below) ...

What is the best way to go about painting the background and all the lines?


Anonymous said...

Paint the base coat in the color you want to see more. When this happens, then tinted with a red primer accordingly. You have enough planning time. This measurement and recording. Or you can paint the black base to dry, and then starts recording the use of the band, as the black lines. In any case, will work. I personally think it should be done on a wall or something, and nobody in the room, you will go mad. Good luck

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