Monday, January 18, 2010

Stop Smoking Bioresonance Has Anyone Used Or Heard Of BIORESONANCE Treatment To Stop Smoking?

Has anyone used or heard of BIORESONANCE treatment to stop smoking? - stop smoking bioresonance

I met a few deals "site-quit" this kind of treatment. Patches and is attempted. no luck.


Honey said...

Nicotine produces an electro-magnetic charge in the body and Bioresonance works on the principle that everything works in our bodies on the magnetic or electric charge;.

For example, if you're sick Bioresonance help your body back into its original position and allows you to heal.

The main work in smokers. You recharge your body, "" because, before a towel-smoker who could have, with generally no concerns, especially that the government agency before you are to smoke Treat.

Obviously, it bears 70% of smokers quit smoking after one session and 28% after only two ... So, if you really stop definitely give it a chance.

Good luck


www.hogs... said...

Tip: Wikipedia, Google or

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